Sunday, August 19, 2018

Download Caminemos con Jesus (pdf) Roberto Goizueta

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In this work Roberto Goizueta challenges both traditional European and American theologies. Although Goizueta recognizes that “Hispanic” and “Latino” might be artificially imposed labels, he finds a common link in the Spanish language and a shared culture. He describes the Latino/Hispanic experience using the Biblical language of people in exile who are living on the margins of society and who are seeking ways to rediscover their identity in their new situation. Faith is central to their experience, and the author suggests ways in which these communities can embrace and follow the presence of Jesus, which is so vividly perceived in Hispanic communities. The author offers examples of discipleship that will have universal significance both for Christians and for all who are working for a better world.
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Caminemos con Jesus libro Roberto Goizueta

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